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Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial, inspecting and regulating services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Click for the full database of OFSTED's inspection reports - check out schools in SN15 or anywhere in the country.
GetTheRightSchool was formed to offer a unique reference point on getting your child into the school of your choice. The web site covers all you need to about education choices with tips and a guide to the application process and issues that could impact your child's school day, from dealing with bullying, to money issues, to how to work out school catchment areas when they move schools.
Independent Schools Council Website - has a search facility: by county, school or postcode. The ISC brings together eight associations of independent schools, their heads, bursars and governors and represents over 1,200 independent schools in the UK and overseas.
Schools Web Directory - lists all UK local education authorities with a click-through to their websites. Each Local Authority has lists of its own schools and details of application procedures.
Lists more than 31,000 UK state and independent schools and colleges, including over 26,000 UK School, College and University Websites. Search for schools or search for educational establishments anywhere in the UK by geographical county, postcode, name or LEA.
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